Our honeymoon was so much fun. I strongly encourage everyone to take some sort of "honeymoon" after their wedding. It is such a big relief after the craziness that is wedding planning. I can't believe it was almost two years ago now! I absolutely loved spending all day with my best friend while exploring the gorgeous country of Italy.

It is unbelievable how well we get along. I am very quiet and reserved with most people, so they wouldn't realize how silly I am on a day to day basis.

We drank wine for lunch AND dinner and ate like royalty. It was a lot of fun to be free from any obligations.

We saw a lot and walked even more. While I do love walking, our favorite days were the more leisurely ones.
Sitting in enotecas on the street were some of my favorite moments.

Basically, this man makes me the happiest and luckiest woman in the world. Even on a regular old Thursday when we just get a few hours together after work (for us both) and Pilates (for me) where we eat dinner, talk about our days, and snuggle on the couch watching tv.

P.S. Let me also say, that I strongly recommend bringing a hair tie on a vacation. I accidentally forgot and had a knot of hair for 85% of the trip!
Honeymoon Posts
Amalfi and Ravello
Rome: The Sights
Rome: The Food
Y'all look so happy in these photos! That's the best part, I think :)