After our time on the Amalfi coast, we headed to our final destination of Rome. Since there are so many amazing historical sights here, this is a picture heavy post and I will keep my comments relatively short. We were in Rome for 5 nights and had some days with great weather and a couple of rainy ones too. Rome is beautiful, just like everywhere we went, but it is SO touristy. You can see in these pictures, it is so busy everywhere and we weren't even there "in season." Everything also felt so sprawled apart. Our hotel was gorgeous and felt very luxurious, but I didn't love the location. If there is a next time, I would pick to stay in the Piazza Navonna area. I have two more posts on this never-ending honeymoon series, one about the food in Rome and the final one with some of my thoughts and cute pictures of my husband and I. Let me know if you have any questions about any of these pictures, I always love talking about travel and planning. :)
Where We Stayed:
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