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Naples, Florida to Naples, Italy

Posted on: 5.22.2014

On our Italian honeymoon, after visiting Florence, we spent one night in Naples, Italy on our way to the Amalfi Coast.  There was a fair going on near our hotel so we checked it out and then had a pizza and white wine for dinner.  It was a fun evening and our hotel had an amazing view of Mount Vesuvius!

Where We Stayed:

Where We Ate:

Happy Mother's Day

Posted on: 5.11.2014

Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful mother! If I am even half the woman you are, I will count myself lucky.

Fabulous photo by the one and only Jessica Lorren Photography,

101 in 1001

Posted on: 5.01.2014

101 Things In 1001 Days

Jan 25, 2014 - Oct 22, 2016

  1. Finish this 101 list
  2. Write a letter to myself to be opened when the 1001 days is over
  3. Write a letter for Jesse to open at the end of 1001 days
  4. Celebrate our 29th birthdays (2/2)
  5. Celebrate our 30th birthdays (0/2)
  6. Celebrate our 31st birthdays (0/2)
  7. Perform 31 random acts of kindness on my 31st birthday
  8. Start a wedding anniversary photo tradition
  9. Celebrate our one year anniversary (completed April 5-6, 2014)
  10. Celebrate our two year anniversary
  11. Celebrate our three year anniversary
  12. Take Jesse to England (completed March 12 - 22, 2014)
  13. Go on a girl's trip with my college friends
  14. Go on a trip with just my sister
  15. Go to wine country
  16. Go to Vegas
  17. Go on a European adventure
  18. Go to Key West again (completed June 21-24, 2014)
  19. Go to the new Harry Potter land (completed September 2014)
  20. Go to Disney World again (completed May 2014)
  21. Go to Star Wars weekend (completed May 2014)
  22. Go to Epcot food & wine
  23. Take Jesse to Oktoberfest
  24. Go to the Swamp Buggy races
  25. See the Royal Rumble live
  26. See a stage show every year (2/3) (1:Phantom of the Opera - London - March 2014, 2:The Book of Mormon - Naples - January 2015)
  27. Create travel books for our trips
  28. Create "photoalbums" for paper souvenirs (like wedding invites and cards)
  29. Create annual photobook "yearbooks" for our family (0/2)
  30. Finish wedding projects
  31. Shoot and develop 50 rolls of film (8/50)
  32. Private
  33. Read 30 books (5/30) (A Feast For Crows, Where'd You Go Bernadette, The Five Love Languages, Daring Greatly, The Fault In Our Stars)
  34. Read the Bible
  35. Learn calligraphy
  36. Take a cooking class
  37. Take a dance class with Jesse
  38. Take a painting class
  39. Take tennis lessons for two months
  40. Learn how to properly apply makeup
  41. Learn how to French braid my own hair
  42. Take a crafting class at West Elm
  43. Host a dinner party at our house (completed Thanksgiving 2014 - hosted both sets of families at our home)
  44. Host a "Friendsgiving"
  45. Host overnight guests
  46. Throw a 4th of July party
  47. Do something nice for my coworkers and office
  48. Send Christmas cards every year (1/2)
  49. Go to the eye doctor every year (1/3)
  50. Keep an indoor plant alive
  51. Find a church
  52. Hike on a mountain
  53. Go kayaking
  54. Go paddleboarding
  55. Do the Color Run
  56. Have a spa day
  57. Cook dinner for my parents
  58. Babysit my nephew(s)
  59. Pick my own fruit
  60. Make a new friend every year (1/3) (Betsy)
  61. Get a professional hair blowout
  62. Make a will
  63. Buy a new car (completed July 2014)
  64. Get Jesse a new car
  65. Pay off Jesse's student loans
  66. Save six months of expenses for our emergency fund
  67. Buy new prescription sunglasses (completed May 2014)
  68. Buy or make a headboard for our bed
  69. Buy a living room rug (completed August 2014)
  70. Get new window coverings (0/3)
  71. Replace shower door in master bathroom
  72. Do landscaping
  73. Re-do closets (0/4)
  74. Paint outside of house (completed September 2014)
  75. Buy sofa bed
  76. Buy abstract art for dining room (completed April 2014)
  77. Paint bathrooms
  78. Replace kitchen counter tops and add back splash (will not be happening in this time frame)
  79. Hang a map to mark our travels
  80. Get our patio ready for entertaining
  81. Paint and redo the laundry room
  82. Upgrade washer and dryer
  83. Have a photo shoot of us in our home
  84. Attend three community meetings (0/3)
  85. Find a new computer backup solution (bought two new external HDs, one for media files and one to replace my backup drive using Mac's TimeMachine - which is backing up the main HD and the media files HD)
  86. Create a new online username
  87. Sort out the photographs on my computer (moved all the files onto my media files HD)
  88. Sort out the music on my computer
  89. Clean out my old closet in my parent's house (completed April 2014)
  90. Private
  91. Private
  92. Private
  93. Private
  94. Private
  95. Private
  96. Transition into using natural beauty products (completed by the end of 2014)
  97. Find a sustainable diet for Jesse to lose weight and maintain it
  98. Rearrange kitchen for maximized prep space
  99. To Be Determined
  100. To Be Determined
  101. To Be Determined

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