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Why I Decided to Close My Photography Business

Posted on: 11.14.2013

As you have probably noticed, things have been changing over here.  I have slowly been closing Loving Care Photography, but as of September 1, 2013 it is officially out of business.  This was a terribly hard decision that I had been thinking and talking about for over a year.  I wasn't working on it and didn't really have the time that I wanted to devote to it, even though I had some fun ideas.  I was sad about this for a long time. Recently I felt comfortable with the fact that at this time in my life I didn't want to find the time to be a business owner.  It is a lot of hard work and I just wanted to go out shooting.  I still love photography.  I have loved it since my first class in high school.

I originally started the business to do something creative. I was in a job I disliked and having a hard time getting out.  Since then I have been engaged, started a new job, and got married. My priorities have shifted. I want to come home, try new dinner recipes, and spend time with my new husband instead of going into my shell to edit photos, take photography classes, and research new ideas.  My new job is going really well and I want my time off to actually be relaxing.  I am still going to photograph things and people that I care about.  I am still going to shoot film because I am in LOVE with it.  I am still going to blog my photos.  And I am probably going to do even more of it without the pressure of doing things "the right way," whatever that means.  And now that Loving Care Photography is closed, I feel such relief and happiness.  I hope you guys will stick around for the new adventure this blog is going to take.


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