Act for other people. Making them happy is better. Be a better friend.
Instead of thinking how they can help me, let me treat them to what
they like! Do good for strangers too. Don’t sacrifice my own fun and
wants but don’t rely on myself so much. Life is about relationships.
Live in the present. Celebrate the every day. Make it fun. Don’t get
bogged down with planning for the future or stuck in the past. Feeling
sorry for myself doesn’t pay off. Magical things happen when you live
in the present. Jesse comes first. Always. Our marriage will be our
savior in the future. Strong marriage, happy life. Take the time to e
active even if it is just for a walk. Sitting in front of the TV
doesn’t help anyone. Love on Jesse.
Making Things Happen in 2013
Goals for 2013
Posted on: 1.07.2013

Happy New Year! I waited a few days to post my 2012 summary this year. I’ve been working through Year in Review summaries from Lara Casey and Gina Zeidler. It has been so powerful to think and plan and visualize. You can see my Pinterest board for 2013 here.
If you would like to review my past goals, please click here for 2012 and here for 2011. This year wasn’t the best for achieving goals but I did achieve 50% of them! I think the problem lay in the fact that wedding planning and owning a house took up much more time than I anticipated.
The things that worked for me in 2012 were: 1. Being grateful and honestly appreciating people. It really improves relationships and life. Life and true happiness lie in relationships. Loved doing Thirty Days of Thanks in November! 2. Putting my all into everything pays off every time. Living with Jesse, making a job I dislike work, finding an exercise class I love, earning a new job, buying my first house. 3. Taking time for myself helps me grow. Planning and creating vision is crucial. 4. Learned a great lesson about being the woman I want o be despite what my job is. I am not defined by my job but by who I am.
In 2013 I am saying NO to…mindless tv watching, checking Facebook/twitter/Instagram/etc every five minutes, comparing my life to others’, feeling sorry for myself, fear of the unknown, putting anybody before Jesse, worrying, being lazy all weekend, fast food, staying up late, being too harsh on myself, negativity, perfection, wasting time online, over-thinking, and clutter.
In 2013 I am saying YES to…growing relationships, buying birthday presents, sending cards in the mail, doing something active each weekend day, snuggling with Jesse, laughing, dancing in my pjs, friends, meal planning, relaxing, personal photo projects, working hard, approaching new things with curiosity and excitement, long walks, weekends without phones at all, grace, smiling, positivity, outfit planning, phone calls, trying new things, reading, random acts of kindness, journaling, letting people in, and joy.
Goals for 2013
4. Ask "How can I help you?" to one person every day, and do it
6. "Comparison is the thief of joy." - Theodore Roosevelt
7. Plan out weekly meals and go grocery shopping on Sundays
8. Buy a new (used) car
13. Earn my Series 6 or 7 designation
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