I always tell people that Jesse and I don't have an exciting love story. Which isn't very fair or true. All love stories are great! It is fun since Jesse was quite persistent! It wasn't love at first sight like my parents, nor high school sweethearts like Jesse's parents, but that doesn't make our story any less romantic, sweet, or meaningful. It is worth celebrating! Since Valentine's Day was last week, so let's keep the feelings of love going!
We first met at our friend JP's birthday party in August 2008. We were both 23 and a couple years out of college. I wasn't very big into going out and had only met JP one time before his party. My friend Brett invited me and said that JP really wanted me to go. I don't know if that was true but it seemed to have convinced me so I showed up. A lot of the people there I was meeting for the first, second, or third times and are now some of my closest friends. A little while later, Jesse showed up. He and JP have been friends since high school. Jesse and I didn't really talk that night; the only thing he said to me was that "you are the photographer for the night."
New Year's Eve 2008/2009 |
A couple weeks passed and we all went bowling as a group. Brett told me who was going to be there and I didn't remember who Jesse was! I thought I hadn't met him, but after seeing him at the bowling alley, I figured it out. While we were bowling, I found out he had a girlfriend. I think that immediately put him into the friend-zone. We hung out together as a group a few more times for the rest of 2008, including Halloween, another friend's birthday, and New Year's Eve. In early January 2009, he and his girlfriend broke up, for good.
Our first Valentine's Day (not as a couple) - 2009 |
At the beginning of February 2009, I went on
my trip to Tokyo. During this time, Jesse was taking a course called Dale Carnegie Training. He used this as an excuse to "get to know me better" and talk about my Tokyo trip after I got back. We met up for coffee at Barnes and Noble. Later, he told me he felt like he was giving an interview and figured I didn't like him. I didn't realize it was supposed to be a date especially since I had previously friend-zoned him. I honestly thought it was a class assignment or something. I thought we had a really good time, even though I was being shy!
St. Patrick's Day 2009 |
Fast forward a couple months to May 2009 and Jesse had stopped trying to get to know me better as I'm sure it was like talking to a wall. But he was still commenting on all of my Facebook posts and pictures, because every time we hung out as a group he remembered he still liked me and wanted to get to know me better. I remember talking to a friend saying he comments on everything so I think he might like me a little. He had started going back on AOL Instant Messenger just to talk to me since I still used that regularly back then. One night we were up late chatting on AIM and he asked me out on a date. I smiled to myself and told him that would be fun and we set a plan for the week after his birthday party. To be continued...