Katie and Chris's Wedding (St. Louis Part 5)
Posted on: 10.11.2009
Here is the final part to my vacation in St. Louis. Katie and Chris have been together for 9 years, since they were both sophomores in high school! They are the cutest couple and encourage and compliment each other's strengths and weaknesses. The wedding ceremony was really fun with a live choir group singing their favorite songs on the Wash U campus. And the reception was absolutely stunning with gorgeous candlelight in a fantastic location with a great view of the Arch. Congratulations and good luck to them! A+

Wash U (St. Louis Part 4)
Posted on: 10.04.2009
Of course we had to visit my alma mater, Washington University in St. Louis. It had changed quite a bit since I last saw it. But it still had a feeling of home for me. It was nice to see, but I'm so glad I'm not in school right now.

Anheuser-Busch Brewery Tour (St. Louis Part 3)
Posted on: 10.03.2009
This was another first for me, and it was so interesting! I'd never really thought about what went into making beer before, but it is very scientific and interesting. I would actually love to work here or somewhere similar in the lab, and I don't even like beer!

Inside the Arch (St. Louis Part 2)
Posted on: 10.01.2009
Despite living in St. Louis for four years during college, I never went up the arch! I'm not sure how that's possible, yet I and many of my friends managed to do it. It only cost $10 each to go up and I definitely recommend it since you have some beautiful views. The tram car isn't as small as you think it'll be and once you are up in the arch you don't really notice how high it is (630 ft).

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