This last one is one of my favorites from the entire trip!
The Gateway Arch (St. Louis Part 1)
Posted on: 9.29.2009
Last weekend I took a vacation to St. Louis for my friends' wedding. I was away for four days and had so much fun! It was a much needed vacation. I'm going to break the trip into a few different posts starting with the star of the city, the Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, also known as the Gateway to the West: the St. Louis Arch!

This last one is one of my favorites from the entire trip!
This last one is one of my favorites from the entire trip!
Parasailing Over Naples
Posted on: 9.01.2009
My boyfriend and I went parasailing for the first time on Sunday. We used a disposable waterproof camera to take these shots. It's been a while since I've used a film camera, but film was my first photography love and these just show me why. I love the way the colors came out.

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