Bird Sunset
Posted on: 12.01.2009
I've been noticing a lot of birds grouping together lately. Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds comes to mind and is a little strange but makes for some amazing visuals. On Thanksgiving my family and I went to see the sunset and saw a ton of little birds on the edge of the water.

Katie and Chris's Wedding (St. Louis Part 5)
Posted on: 10.11.2009
Here is the final part to my vacation in St. Louis. Katie and Chris have been together for 9 years, since they were both sophomores in high school! They are the cutest couple and encourage and compliment each other's strengths and weaknesses. The wedding ceremony was really fun with a live choir group singing their favorite songs on the Wash U campus. And the reception was absolutely stunning with gorgeous candlelight in a fantastic location with a great view of the Arch. Congratulations and good luck to them! A+

Wash U (St. Louis Part 4)
Posted on: 10.04.2009
Of course we had to visit my alma mater, Washington University in St. Louis. It had changed quite a bit since I last saw it. But it still had a feeling of home for me. It was nice to see, but I'm so glad I'm not in school right now.

Anheuser-Busch Brewery Tour (St. Louis Part 3)
Posted on: 10.03.2009
This was another first for me, and it was so interesting! I'd never really thought about what went into making beer before, but it is very scientific and interesting. I would actually love to work here or somewhere similar in the lab, and I don't even like beer!

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